
illustration of skeletons dancing

People, Parasites and Plagues

New series delivers information about the fascinating pathogens among us

Why One Health

Mapping the global system of people, animals & environment

Emerging & Re-emerging Diseases

Remaining vigilant against microbial foes—present & past

Food & Water Safety

Safeguarding the disease vectors we consume

Diagnostics, Therapeutics & Vaccines

Accelerating the move from bench to patient care


Making big impacts from the world of the tiny

One World, One HealthThe Faculty of Infectious Diseases effectively addresses infectious disease threats to species and economies worldwide by integrating multidisciplinary research in animal, human, and ecosystem health, and by developing successful countermeasures, including vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics.

Infectious Disease News


PREP@UGA: Opportunities for post-baccalaureate training in infectious disease research at UGA